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Thread: So glad I have cats!

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  1. #1
    Elite Cat
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    USA, Seattle
    Thanked 34 Times in 32 Posts

    So glad I have cats!

    Today I admired my kitties once again, but even more than usually.
    One of my patients who was depressed brought a little dog with her to demonstrate how she battles her depression.
    She got a mix of Shih Tzu and a Terrier at the shelter for only $250 as a therapy dog. The little creature (only 5 lb, almost 1/4 of the size and weight of my cat) was so cute and cheerful, jumping around and licking my shoes (probably liked the smell of Maincoons)
    I was very delighted and even thought that if I was not a cat person, I probably would get a puppy like this.
    At that very moment the owner exclaimed "Did you do it again, little stinker?" and before I realized what it was, a horrible suffocating smell filled the entire room. I had to literally jump out of the room and take my breath outside.
    The owner apologized and said that this lil' doggy got into her cats' food bowl this morning and emptied it.
    I no longer wanted to have a dog. My kitties would never fart in public In fact, in 3 years that I have them I never detected any obnoxious smells. Even when they occasionally get runs and I have to clean their furry bottoms
    they don't smell too bad. Cleaning their litterbox is a pleasure and gives me a sense of accomplishment.
    Thank you doggy, you confirmed once again that cats (and Coonies in particular) are the best.

  2. #2
    Top Cat
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    yes! I like dogs, they're fun for a day or may be a week if they are extra good, but after a period of time I'm always soooo happy to just leave them with their humanz and get back to my kitty! Have you ever noticed how after petting them your hands are all greasy and you need to wash them? Not with cats, with cats you can burry your nose in their fur and you still have a sense of smell after that! Neevie agrees, she says she would never put her nose into a dog's fur, it's bad for health.
    Peter Galbavy and Puzzles like this.

  3. #3
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    Sorry to remove rose tinted glasses but MC's can & do fart on par with any canine,I have one boy who is a gentleman & tries not to even clean his bits in front of you & the one time he did let something slip as he walked past his white face went the colour of his red,poor boy was mortified but I have another who will fart right in your face & then look at you as if butter wouldn't melt.....
    I also love the MC for the canine like behaviour & their luv of canines even if they haven't been brought up with them they still accept them,unless of course said canine's owner says proudly my dog chases cat,no they don't,not these anyway.....Daughters cat lived very comfortably alongside canine friend but when relative turned up with dog that thought cats were fair game it soon found out otherwise,dog never dared go in their house again.....
    I do hope Halcyon that your furries don't now let you down by letting one rip but I sure would never say never....xxxx

  4. #4
    Elite Cat
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    "I do hope Halcyon that your furries don't now let you down by letting one rip but I sure would never say never....xxxx "

    I will sure notify the Forum if anything like this happens. I guess my girls do not show canine-like behavior. They are very Victorian, lady-like kitties (Miss Manners, as I call them)
    We have not had anything broken or destroyed by cats for the exception of eaten rebate receipt. If they accidentally soil their butts in the litter box, they keep the tails down and hide until I find them and wash the bottoms.
    One of them loves being bathed and brushed which makes our life easier. When hungry they sit silently next to their empty food bowls and move their eyes from the bowl to you and vice versa.
    They probably pass gas somewhere in the dark corner or litter box because neither me nor my husband did not smell anything in 3 years, and we keep them very close and hug them all the time. If this changes, it will be on the front page of a local newspaper.
    H&SWells and Alekto like this.

  5. #5
    Top Cat
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    "They are very Victorian, lady-like kitties"
    what is the fun in that!? I need to introduce them to Neevie, to teach them a bit of Pirate behavior - she's so tom-boyish it's spooky - though so far, no fart noticed either I'm glad to say - I'll send you status updates on this.
    jckkerrison likes this.

  6. #6
    Elite Cat
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    Thanked 34 Times in 32 Posts
    This is an interesting article with profile of dog fans. You don't have to EARN dog's affection, but kitties are very selective.
    I will keep my girls away from bad influence of Pirates (Neevie), male coonies , dogs, lecherous old men and other misbehaving creatures.

    Millionaires are dog people - - MSN Money
    KimAZ, Alekto and Pyriedog like this.




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