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17th March 2010, 08:44 AM #1
Storvenn and Loki - snipped n chipped.
Took Storvenn & Loki to the vets yesterday to have them snipped and identity chips put in. Seemed to be sensible to put the chips in when they are under the anathestic.
We had to give them no food from 8pm the previous day and no water from 7am on the day of the op. Storvenn vented his annoyance via a constant chirp/meow symphony all the way to the vets at 8:30am. I kept apologising to him :(
Storvenn went well - when we picked him up at 5pm that evening he was obviously very hungry. I did joke about arriving at the vets only to find an enormous cat and no vets around :D
Loki went well too, but they found two of her milk teeth hadnt dropped out and two new teeth were coming through above. So we opted for them to correct this whilst she was asleep too. Shes now got one of those plastic cones around her neck to stop her pulling out the stiches from where she has had the 'snip' operation.
Got them both home and oh my... **waves goodbye to a LOT of raw fish.
We spent the evening / early night with a duvet doubled up on the floor and just laying there watching tv with them giving them lots of gentle TLC. Loki was a bit out of it, Storvenn... well it was as if nothing has happened.
This morning I got up and fed them. Both look very awake and alert. More huge quantities of fish have been devoured (whispers.. I hid Loki's pain medicene on hers...) and Loki seems to have become a lot more accustomed to the plastic cone.
Roll on this Friday when they go back for a check up & Loki can have the plastic thingy removed. Plus.. we can now get the official paperwork from the breeder as part of our agreement was that we have them snipped.
17th March 2010, 09:23 AM #2
Thats good! So pleased to hear that all went well. Looks like you may have to do double shifts to pay for the fish mind you!
17th March 2010, 09:52 AM #3
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17th March 2010, 11:55 AM #4
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Glad it all went well - the boys do tend to recover very quickly whereas the girls take a couple of days to get back to normal.
17th March 2010, 04:56 PM #5
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Sounds good. The boys do tend to show almost no reaction to this. (Doubt I would feel the same!) The girls can actually look quite poorly for a couple of days, so it sounds like Loki is doing exceptionally well. Not all vets routinely use the plastic cones. Ours does only if the animal actually demonstrates that it is going to lick the sutures excessively (some males need them too). One of ours ended up needing a cone but the others did not have one and never did much of anything to the sutures. Sounds like she is tolerating it pretty well. Not all do. The one of ours that needed it was constantly trying to get it off--exceedingly miserable for the entire time it was on.
17th March 2010, 07:22 PM #6
With my dogs I used a substance from the vet called no-lick that you dab on around the stitches - apparently it tastes awful and stops them licking. It worked a treat with my girls, they only tried once and I never had to use it again. Much better than those awful cones which are a real pain with dogs as when I did try to use one once they kept crashing into things - took it off after half an hour!
17th March 2010, 09:01 PM #7
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Glad things are ok, poor little things, I'm not looking forward to Harry going in which will be in early April, but I know it has to be done. I reckon they are going to be well spoilt over the next week or so, or should I say more spoilt !
It has made me think about the chipping though, I know I don't intend to let him out but there is always that fear that he might get out.
17th March 2010, 10:41 PM #8
Thank you all for your kind words
I took today off work and spent it with them both. Have taken collar off of Loki for a bit, only when she is supervised, and then put it on later. She has thankfully 'accepted' it and doesnt seem too bothered now. Amazing really and now just two days to go with it on.
I really need to post some photos of Storvenn. He is HUGE in comparison to her.
18th March 2010, 12:23 PM #9
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RE:snipped & chipped
Pleased that both your babes have recovered well from their ops.I always feel sorry at work when we have brother & sister in as bruv always bounces back quickly & wonders why little sis takes longer & doesn't want to play.Typical us ladies always come off worse.
It is interesting to read about vets who still put surface sutures in,the one I work for does them under the skin in both cat & bitch spays,it took him longer to begin with but now does it just as quick as external sutures & no problems that they can get them out,cats don't seem to bother about the wound at all but ocassionaly a bitch spay has to have a collar because of excessive licking of the wound.
18th March 2010, 02:41 PM #10
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How lovely that you got the duvet out to cuddle up to them when they needed some tlc. Lucius came back after his day at the vets almost as if nothing had happened to him but still took full advantage of the extra attention (and steak) showered upon him! Glad it went well