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Guess what??
im going to be owning kias brother YES another beautiful maine coon he he i pick hi up on friday evening and im all excited again lol... but i need some help with a name, i kinda like names that are unusual or greek gods but i cant find a name that i think yes that really suits him as he has the cutest little face and i know there is a special name i just cant quite figure it out or who or what it is he reminds me of so any suggestions??? iva attached 2 pics 1st one is of them both as babies and 2nd is him on his own...so pretty please help me chose a name x
Congratulations ... he has just the sweetest face!
as far as a name... hmmm I don't know... maybe cupid... lol
Hi - he looks wonderful. I went through the whole name thing recently - here are some names I liked - whether you do is another story
And I of course chose Zack
Hope this helps you - it may give you another idea anyway!:smile:
yes we have shorlisted a few but im not sure
samson (after samson and goliath)
cant remember the rest lol
but i really like baxter, dexter and hugo thx for those definatly help thank you x:rofl:
Oh lucky you Shelly! He looks adorable and they will make such a cute couple. As for names I like Samson. I will try to think of some for you. Congratulations!!!
I think trying to name your babies is exciting,two of mine were already named before they came to us so when my silver & white mackerel tabby boy was born {I had waited four years for my friend to breed him,every other colour or the they were classic pattern} I just couldn't wait to think of a name for him & I tried & tried & tried...finally the breeder said come on I want to start calling him by name so he could get used to it so the only name I had come up with was Merlin & when we saw Merlin in America it was at Magic Kingdom so Magical Merlin came into being,then one night a brainstorm took over & to make it more personal he became Magicol Merlyn to incoporate son in law & daughters name.I was very proud of that ! The last two babes, one is a black & white boy & same breeder called him Welly as he had more white on his back legs than the other b & w brother,easy Wellynton Boots which kept daughters name again,the brown classic boy a bit harder but I liked Shimba & when I looked it up it was a national reserve park in Kenya famous for its sable antelope & sable fur is classed as dark brown so Shimba Mara came into being.Don't think we will have any more babes so my fun is over but will look forward to seeing what you come up with.
ohh your so good at making names up and personalising them i really need to have a good long think im sure ill come up siwth something soon :rofl:
just looking at the pics again and i think he looks like a teddy lol, maybe ted, or rio, or leon...arrrggg i dunno lol x
Wow he is a beauty! My husband says I can only have an MC if I name them after his passion of stock car racing so I'm stuck with Brisca and Chevvy. (Brisca is the league name and Chevvy is short for cheverolet.) I don't care as long as I get my Coonie! Love everyone elses suggestions, very imaginative!
Oh I am soooo jealous Dee, you are so lucky ! he is beautiful. As for names I really like Hugo., Before we chose Harry I shortlisted Hugo as hubby loves Hugo Boss clothes and I thought it was appropriate. Actually now he is more of the Boss !
There's some good names there....
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