Have never compromised by not having a tree,first four all responded to a firm no,easy,two babes who were just over a year old by the time the first xmas came round in our house a bit more of a problem but solved by making up the big garland of holly leaves round the tree base,one got through the barrier once but cried to be got out & neither bothered after that,a rudolph throbbing nose obviously was a quick & painful lesson with the word no,a friend has a scarecrow that hisses out air plus makes an awful noise when a cat approaches a no,no point & she has her tree up even with litters of 10 to 12 week old babes running around too,daughter just shew her cat one bauble on the tree that was hers to play with & never had any problems so you can have a tree & a MC babe,this is Ruby's second xmas,last year she was a dream but then she was only just over the 3mths old,would not have left her alone with it though,this year she is a naughty teenager so time will tell if another holly garland is going to be required.......
After some research I think I'm going to give this a go next year, free mdf pattern to DIY it!!
photo by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr
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