Is standing on their hind legs (almost in like a begging position) a normal maine coon trait? Willow does that, she looks like a little prairie dog when she does lol
I keep trying to get a picture, but soon as I get the camera ready, she moves and doesn't do it again -_-
Anybody else's coons do that?
Yup my Basil is the same.
Its awfully cute when she does it :)
of all the cats I've had, she's the first to do that
I've seen all of mine do it at one time or another. Its really funny, and they can hold the pose for quite a while.
The first time I noticed her doing it, was probably 5 mins or so, she was interested in the popping noise coming from the microwave lol
she was standing up from the floor trying to look up into it :)
Monty does it sometimes when something especially interesting has caught his eye out of the window. He looks like a great long meercat when he does it, and he can hold the pose for quite a while. None of my other cats have ever done it. Last time Monty did 'the meercat' he was facing the kitchen window, so there was obviously something fascinating in the garden. Stupidly I opened the door and he shot out...5 seconds later he caught a squirrel.
(it's OK we shooed him away and the unlucky squizzer escaped!)
Tia does it all the time at the window when she hears a bird chirping,it is funny.
I've yet to notice her do that looking out the window. (may change when the weather is warmer) But she does it a lot through out the house when she hears things she can't see.
It is funny to see :)
Shirley do it dail when I'm in the kitchen cooking, she like to keep an eye on what I'm doing on the counter top.. And occassionally, is she can get some of it..
Felina does it to evaluate distance before jumping up on my shoulder and occassionally, when she's looking out the window..
I think I've seen almost all mcos I know do it at one time or another ^.^
It looks absolutely adorable..
Both of mine do it, especially Maxwell as hes still investigating everything at 6mths.
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