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Thread: New Maine Coon kitten settling in :)

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
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    New Maine Coon kitten settling in :)

    So we brought Pipistrelle home last Wednesday and she has been settling in fantastically
    The introduction to our current 3 male moggy residents went extremely smoothly. In fact Satyr can't believe his luck and is completely besotted with her!
    You can tell each day that we're bonding more and more with her. She slept in our room with us until she was happy to snuggle up with the boys, and she'd snuggle right up next to our son (who shares our bed). He was by far her favourite person to sleep next to!
    Over time she has become more accustomed to being picked up and held in arms for cuddles and kisses. She has been jumping up for lap time for nearly a week now (longer with the other half than with me though!) Tonight she's been in a ball on her back having ear massages and neck scratches and enjoying it very much. She adores the cat tree we bought before she arrived (for £7!!!) and has made the higher of the two cubby holes her little "drey" where she takes her naps. It's lined with a paper bag and must be very comfortable as sometimes she sleeps for over 2 hours! She's eating like a horse and has transition over from the food her breeder was feeding her to what we feed our cats which is Natural Instinct. She can't get enough of it and eats more than 200g a day I think!

    She sleeps next to our cats and has received baths from them. She's into everything and follows me about. In the morning she's waiting outside the bedroom door, and she talks a lot! She likes to yell for her food and goes and sits at the top of her cat tree to tell me what she wants. We feed her up there to protect her food from my absolute dustbin cats.

    She has a toy basket and loves playing with anything you're doing. Wrapping some late Christmas presents was fun! However, her cat nip fishy given to me by her breeder has been unashamedly monopolised by my older boys They're absolute kittens with it!

    She's a furry purry of a kitten and hopefully will become a cat who enjoys to cuddle and snuggle with you. The experience of having a new cat who is gradually trusting you more and more and loving you more and more is wonderful and she's everything we ever hoped for. Currently looking into taking her to her first cat show as she travels well in the car, even falling asleep on her way home!

    Here are some pictures of our little Pipistrelle Rosemary Oh, and Pipistrelle is from the same litter as Puzzle's Archie and Lillie who were getting on fabulously when I went to pick up Pipi
    New Maine Coon kitten settling in :)-pipisitting.jpgNew Maine Coon kitten settling in :)-pipisofaarm.jpgNew Maine Coon kitten settling in :)-pipiplayfloor.jpgNew Maine Coon kitten settling in :)-pipiface.jpgNew Maine Coon kitten settling in :)-pipismile.jpgNew Maine Coon kitten settling in :)-washtime.jpgNew Maine Coon kitten settling in :)-smellybaby.jpgNew Maine Coon kitten settling in :)-comfort2.jpgNew Maine Coon kitten settling in :)-happywash.jpg
    Last edited by NexivRed; 12th January 2013 at 12:57 AM.

  2. #2
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
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    She's so cute! Thats good its all working out

    I love that last picture, it looks like she's smiling :D

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
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    So much like her older sister who also has a big "bruv" on standby for face & neck washes,gives you that lovely warm feeling doesn't it when you see how quickly they all bond together,a stunning girl...x

  4. #4
    Active Cat
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    Dec 2011
    Thanked 9 Times in 8 Posts
    She is gorgeous,glad to hear they are all getting on.

  5. #5
    Elite Cat
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Edinburgh, Scotland
    Thanked 6 Times in 6 Posts
    What a lovely colour and those eyes. cant wait to see her grow.

  6. #6
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Thanked 5 Times in 5 Posts
    She's absolutely gorgeous. It's heartening to see how quickly your other cats have accepted her. I just love her expression in photo 4. I hope she continues to do well and you have many happy years with her.
    Howlinbob likes this.




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