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Thread: Cats are Vampires - Right?

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  1. #1
    Cool Cat
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    Cats are Vampires - Right?

    So you guys are familiar with Vampires right? They sleep during the day and are active at night just like a vampire. Vampires also leave 2 fang marks on a neck after they bite someone right?

    Well that is our Whiskey kitty. He sleeps all day and spends his nights wrecking havoc all over the house. He wakes us up every chance he gets. To verify the fact that he is a vampire, he bit my neck the other day leaving 2 fang marks on my neck. I swear it looks like a vampire bite! Boy did that hurt. Lucky for him he didn't draw any blood.

    He was on the counter so I picked him up to put him on the floor. All of a sudden he bit my neck! I guess he didn't want to be on the floor. He did this on Sunday and I still have 2 little red vampire marks on my neck.
    Last edited by CatsMom; 24th January 2013 at 03:07 AM.

  2. #2
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    OMG! here I was thinking Maine Coons were gentle giants.... mine bites my arms - tenderly ... at first... it pinches, it's a warning - if I do not do something immediately she just jumps on my arms and tries to rip it to pieces.
    I do have a few vampire marks on my arm too.
    It's better than having them on my head like I used to: suddenly, for no apparent reason, she'd just jump on my head, and plant her fangs and claws in my scalp. I am pleased to report that spaying her has taken care of THAT behaviour though. Just as well, because I did not fancy having a 6 kilo beasty hanging to my scalp by her fangs....
    BUT she also does very nice cute stuff - this morning my husband was preparing coffee, she was sitting beside him on a table - she lifted herself on her back legs and tenderly stroke his cheek. He just HAD to abandon his coffee and give her a cuddle - I hear vampires do that too: they kind of hypnotize you into doing what they want....

  3. #3
    Cool Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alekto View Post
    BUT she also does very nice cute stuff - this morning my husband was preparing coffee, she was sitting beside him on a table - she lifted herself on her back legs and tenderly stroke his cheek. He just HAD to abandon his coffee and give her a cuddle - I hear vampires do that too: they kind of hypnotize you into doing what they want....
    I think it must be a daddy thing. Whiskey will attack my head too digging his nails in to hold on and biting my head. With daddy, he coos, purrs, rolls over, etc... He has daddy wrapped around his massive paws.
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  4. #4
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    May be they're the same litter!? how old is your Whiskey? :-D

  5. #5
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    Yeah ive noticed this, If i am standing next to the scratch post (like i was last night) Basil climbs up trys to grab my hair then pulls me in for the kill. I think its funny though coz one he thinks he has got a hold on me i just pick him up and carry him away just to show him am still boss you cant stop me moving haha
    KimAZ and Alekto like this.

  6. #6
    Cool Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alekto View Post
    May be they're the same litter!? how old is your Whiskey? :-D
    Whiskey is 1yr 9months old & neutered when he was 6mos. He will lay in wait for me to walk by, then wrap his paws around my leg, give a good bite, then run off. He wants me to follow him. Perhaps back to his lair where the other vampires are waiting?

  7. #7
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    Basil sounds like he would be a good hunter! may be deers would be his prey: grab them by the antlers and bring them down... good technique!
    oh Neevie is now 2 years and 3 months old.... and she does the same thing as Whiskey. Well except for the running off: she hangs on to that leg and tries to rip the life out of it. May be more of a werewolf then, except not just at full moon...
    now, she gets time out when she bites: she she is starting to get it and is more careful.




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