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Thread: Anyone have a cat with "Velcro Claws?"

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  1. #1
    Active Cat
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    Anyone have a cat with "Velcro Claws?"

    Spencer 2 is about 20 pounds or 10 kilos, so it's unusual he has very sharp claws.

    Worse, they are very curly.

    So much, that when he plays with me, I have to help him extract the claw from my clothes.

    He also gets his claw stuck in toys.

    Anyone have a cat with such claws?

  2. #2
    Top Cat
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    I clip Neevie's claws regularly - she stays indoors so her claws don't get much wear as would an outside cat.... While we were away she was left without clipping for 3 weeks and boy did we find our furniture in a state - the term velcro claws seems to fit! She also seemed quite uncomfortable, trying to walk on them on hard surfaces...

    If Spencer is docile enough, may you can do that, but just be careful to not cut into the darker or pink part of the claw, as it's nerve endings and that would hurt him a lot. Just cut the transparent bit, as for your own nails....

    If you've never done it before, here's how I do Neevie's:
    I catch her at a time when she's docile (that's not all the time... sigh - if she's playful or crabby she really resents being restrained) and sit her on my lap, facing away from me, with her back against my stomach. Then I squeeze gently each finger so the claw comes out, and so I can see clearly where I cut - I wouldn't dream of doing that if I don't have a clear view, again, nerve endings and all that - do not cut where the nail isn't clearly transparent, it's like cutting the pink part of your own nails it would hurt like hell. Once I cut a bit too far, and the cat was off like a shot, wailing... they'll tell you if you do it wrong ;-)
    Note: If Spencer is black or has black nails then I don't know how to recognise where the nerves are... I wouldn't do it...

    You don't have to cut too short anyway, or to cut them into pointy bits, just cut enough to get rid of the curly bit, they do the rest afterwards...

    Neevie seems to enjoy her little manucure sessions, she usually starts purring and closing her eyes... My previous cat didn't like the restricting position of being on her back and kept trying to escape, so I had to ask my husband to help.... but it's doable.

    I only trim the front paws, by the way, I never tried the back ones, she takes care of those on her own...
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  3. #3
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    With black nails you can use a flashlight behind the nail that will allow you to see the quick.
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  4. #4
    Elite Cat
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    With 10 MCs in the house, I would have no furniture left if I didn't clip their claws regularly! If you are nervous doing it the first time, your vet will show you how to clip. There is a wide range of clipping tools available too, don't be tempted to use scissors or human nail clippers which can shatter the claw.

  5. #5
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    Same here Musicalife it's a monthly event in this household although the leather settee has still suffered from quick arrival & putting breaks on...... My breeder always clips the nails of her babes at least two or three times before they go so they are already used to it but I love treating it as a bonding session,nothing nicer than having the cat sitting on your lap & being able to kiss behind it's ear & tell it what a good furrie it is while nail clipping,I have cats that spread their toes for you to make it easier plus then they get their paw blown on don't they & nothing nicer than when they hold your finger in their paw too & when all five furries have had their turn then out come the treats,have only had trouble with the first girl we got as an adult but by going slowly,making it fun & rewards it wasn't long before she too loved her manicure,just take your time,clip only the point off until both you & Spencer are more happy & confident then just cuddle & bond closer with each other,so worth it....x
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