stolen cat
Just sharing this on behalf of another forum member who lives in the Oxford area UK
Please can everybody keep a watch out for a silver tabby mainecoon female.
Missing from Oxford. She is 8 months old and has probably been taken to order. All vets are aware.
Reward for safe return of my very special girl who i miss so much. Abingdon area.
Happy news.... The power of social networking made this cat too hot to handle and she was dumped in a park about 10 miles away from where she was stolen and is now back with a very relieved owner!
Thats brilliant,have kept checking back hoping to see good news,can just imagine how the owner must be feeling,one very spoilt furry today I reckon & the best nights sleep for a while for both tonight.....xxx
Waw that's great I'm so pleased for all the family! Such a beautiful kitty!
Such heart warming news. So pleased there's a happy ending x
Thats really good to hear. There really are some scumbags around:pissed:
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