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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Sheffield, UK
    Thanked 207 Times in 195 Posts

    A Warning About Foxes -a sad tale

    Hi everyone, just wanted to share a cautionary tale about foxes.
    They have been in the news a bit recently, and unfortunately my neighbour's cat was attacked by one.

    There is a large derelict garden at the end of our road, and for the first time in 11 years of living here, there is a fox about. I have seen the fox quite often at around ten o'clock at night walking from the direction of the garden and around our street - in fact he has stared at me a few times quite unafraid. Then my neighbour's elderly cat went missing. She was distraught and put up lots of posters, combed the streets. There was snow at the time and she found her cat's collar, some of her fluff, and fox footprints in the vicinity. Eventually someone got in touch and the worst was confirmed: the fox had got her by the tail, her tail had come off in her struggle to get away, and panicking she ran down to the main road and got hit by a car. My neighbour managed to get her baby's body back and bury her in the garden.

    So if you think there might be foxes about, please make sure your cats are safely inside before the foxes come out to hunt.

  2. #2
    Elite Cat
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    Nov 2010
    Thanked 16 Times in 15 Posts
    From the beginning our Chow protected him.He reacts on every threat and kills every intruder

    Last edited by deovolens; 23rd February 2013 at 08:47 AM.




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