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Thread: Two years since Kitten first arrived - and he's brought us so much happiness!

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    Cool Cat
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    West Norwood
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    Two years since Kitten first arrived - and he's brought us so much happiness!

    It's two years since our beloved silver Maine Coon 'Kitten' entered our lives and I don't think a day has gone past since where he hasn't been central to our thoughts. He makes us laugh with his comic ways - like rooting out his treats jar no matter where we hide it and his love of helping with most household tasks; he especially enjoys washing up, and watering the garden in the summer - by hanging on to the watering can. In the middle of the night if I wake up - it's comforting to know that Kitten is stretched out at the end of the bed, and in the morning he comes up to rub noses. K is a constant companion and unlike my tabby moggie who likes to keep herself to herself, K likes to be with us. I love the way he waits on the window sill to greet us, and once we put the key in the door, he's waiting expectently on the other side. I could go on... but this post is just to say that I never thought I could come to feel so much affection for any creature. Maine Coons are just so special. Love to all the other MCs and their human families who read the forum xxx
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Two years since Kitten first arrived - and he's brought us so much happiness!-photo-2-.jpg   Two years since Kitten first arrived - and he's brought us so much happiness!-photo.jpg  




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