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Thread: Collecting my first Maine Coon a week today!

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    The Quiet Kitten
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    Collecting my first Maine Coon a week today!


    As the title suggests, I've put a deposit down on my first ever Maine Coon, in fact my first pedigree cat, and I'm collecting him in a week

    I haven't decided on a pet name yet.

    I've owned moggies for over 10 years so I have most bits and pieces but obviously not in MC size! What size of carrier do people recommend, that will still fit when he's fully grown.

    I only have a couple of photos that I took on the viewing when he was about 11 weeks old but will add more once he arrives:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_2949_2.jpg 
Views:	28 
Size:	91.9 KB 
ID:	6766

    The other thing I'd like some advice on is the best way to protect the front door from accidental escapes? I'm considering a baby gate or some netting tacked up just to make it something that he needs to think about rather than being able to run straight outside and to give me time to catch him. I live directly on a road with a very small front garden so want to be safe rather than sorry.

    Thank you
    JanieB likes this.




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