He is beautiful Shelly. You are very lucky - I'm sure they will be getting along fine in no time - Congratulations - makes me want another one!
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He is beautiful Shelly. You are very lucky - I'm sure they will be getting along fine in no time - Congratulations - makes me want another one!
not really playing together yet but its early days, he loves the lazer and when i turn it off he chirps looking for it hahaha so comical totally different personalities x
oh shelley he's just beautiful!
They are beautiful kittens.
wow! they are fab! We chose 2 girlslast night or should I say they chose us! Not getting them for 4 weeks due to holidays but so pleased to know they are ours! |Hope all goes well, I'm sure you will have a great weekend!
Awww so cute:koolkat:
Great Pics - what a beautiful little boy. I am jealous as I am still waiting for mine!:smile:
awww im sure yous must be so excited its great seeing them so young tho, hes doing really well keeps hiding when the dogs in but he will soon warm to him has been a busy weekend got to get kia a bath she mannaged to get covered in food somehow?:rofl: worse than kids sometimes lol x
He is so stunning, they will soon be running around chasing each orther.
Coonie girl
lol i hope so, easy for yous having a house full of beautiful coonies...and i still want more!! do yous think i could trade the other half in for a few more coons??:shy: joke!:koolkat: