The arrival of Zelda!
Yesterday evening we went to pick up Zelda!! We picked her up from the breeders and she has settled in amazingly! We didn't realise how tiny the breeders meant until we saw her, she is still the same size as she was at 9 weeks old. After a lot of discussion about health etc we decided that she was just too cute and full of personality to not take home but we know she won't ever make it to show due to her size fault. The vets have given her a full bill of health but she is very very tiny! Despite her size the "tortietude" is apparent already, nothing phases her and already she's bouncing around the living room!
Marshall hasn't officially met her yet, he tried to run into the room last night and I picked him up so he could see her and he gave a few hisses. Now he chirps outside the door at her! I'm being very careful to spend time and focus on Marshall too so I only spent about 30 mins with Zelda and stayed the rest of the evening with Marshall so he's not put out, dave got to spend all evening and night with Zelda and we will rotate today!
anyway on to the pics I know that's what you all want!! And if anyone has come across "tiny" Maine coons or size faults like this before any advice would be much appreciated!
photo by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr
Zelda is here by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr
Zelda by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr
Oh Zelda your name is longer than you & that is saying something for a MC kitten but you are just so sweet...
I have a minicoon but that is due to health problems,she is flat chested & deformed & wasn't expected to be here too long,the breeder asked if we would give her a good home alongside her brother from the previous litter & we still have her a lot of years on but she is still a minicoon although I have known fit healthy "runts"of the litters to go on & blossom into big healthy babes,back up with something like nourishm or nutra plus gel for the first few months & keep her on extra vits for a good while although bless her she does look very petite in general,as you were obviously thinking of showing does that mean that Zelda & Marshall might soon have another companion babe.... ? I would also let them meet up sooner rather than later, the one time I tried to keep them apart they wound up more,as long as you are around let them get on with it,sometimes meet up can be straight forward & other times there can be hissing but the sooner they find their own level the sooner you can enjoy both of them,kittietude looks after them & especially tortie,playtime with a favourite toy of Marshall's could get them both into things pretty quickly,good luck,have fun & lots more photo's please especially that first one of M & Z together,exciting times to come.....xxxx
Oh gosh, she is tiny! Very cute. I have no advice I'm afraid, but she is utterly gorgeous! x
Ahhh - she's such a very pretty little girl :nod:
Totally agree with jckkerrison re letting Marshall & Zelda meet up as soon as possible. Archie & Lily came to join our furry family in January ... we already had 3 Maine Coons and our little old fella Tigger. We never tried to separate them, but were always in the same room as them all. The older cats have a cat flap into the garage so were able to escape if they wanted to, but they were all fascinated by the kittens and just kept their distance. They do find their own levels - and, as long as one or both of you are with them, they'll get used to each other much more quickly than if you try to keep them apart.
Enjoy - Marshall's still a kitten (a big kitten!) so you do have some fun times to come :LOL:
Thank you so much for the advice and experiences!! Zeldas sister has a flat chest ( she's a beautiful silver girl) and I originally wanted her but felt it was too much to take on health wise.... She's now much bigger!! We're going to introduce them today and see how they get on, Marshall is very curious of what's behind the door so I think he's ready to deal with a new arrival! He's such a mummy's boy I don't want him to get jealous of her! Ill def get some nutri stuff for her to give her a wee helping hand! Photos later today of the meeting!!
so we have had a very fun evening!we decided to just go ahead and introduce Marshall and Zelda as you all suggested and I am so glad we did! I was worried that Marshall would get all aggressive etc but he did the complete opposite in fact it was Zelda that hissed and growled at him! Marshall is so gentle and loving towrards her he just wants to be around her all the time! i posted a video of their first meeting on flickr!
The first meeting | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
I cant even begin to explain how proud I am of Marshall behaving like a true gent and not a spoilt brat!!
and some pics of the cuties
marshall by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr
zelda by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr
zelda by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr
zelda by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr
zelda by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr
zelda by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr
Christin xx
That bought tears to the eyes,well done Marshall you look after that little doll,knew you wouldn't let us down....xxx
Brilliant ... clever boy Marshall :nod: x
ooooooooh she is soooo adorable!!!! well done Marshall!
oh my god, what cute little lady ♥♥♥ well, and even if she will be "only" a little girl, she has a "big" brother and body guard !♥♥♥♥
Thank you so much everyone! Marshall is so desperate to play with Zelda... She's still a bit unsure of him but has started playing with him a bit more, I guess she just needs to get used to him. One thing is that Marshall is obsessed with cleaning/ sniffing her butt... Especially when she is eating???is this normal of an older cat or is it that he's male and she's female?? ( he is neutered btw) And dispite refusing to eat royal canin as a kitten he steals her food any chance he gets!! Totally enjoying having two fluff balls in the house, hopefully not long until she can have run of the full house, I'm just so worried about the stairs and the fact that she is so petite and delicate I'm planning on cardboarding the banisters up.
Here she is doing what she does best.... Making biscuits!!
Making biscuits! | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
and playing in her fav cardboard box!!
Peekaboo #kitten #mainecoon by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr
thanks for stopping by
Christin, Marshall & Zelda
and she purrs so loudly! she is just adorable (sorry I said that already...)
My Goodness.. She is by far the prettiest kitten I have ever seen, and she's a tortie too! How can so much cuteness be squished into such a little package?????
I can totally understand why you took her, I would have too..in a heartbeat.
Oh my God!! She is just a button! I could eat her up she is too cute! She'll break the bits hearts!!! :LOL:
Thanks so much for all your lovely comments!
Marshall and Zelda have been getting on like a house on fire! They chase, clean each other, paint together on the ipad, play hide and seek and clean each others food bowls! Zelda now has the run of downstairs in the house and she loves it, Marshall is calmer as he hates doors being closed! I woke up today with both of them lying on top of me... No idea how that will work when she's bigger!?!? Here's some pics from the last few days
Marshall helping zelda paint! #mainecoonkitten #mainecoon #kitten #cat #paintforcats by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr
photo by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr
photo by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr
christin, Marshall and Zelda!
love it! keep them coming, I love watching little Zelda and her big brother.... :AddEmoticons00942:
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