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Thread: The arrival of Zelda!

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    Active Cat
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    The arrival of Zelda!

    Yesterday evening we went to pick up Zelda!! We picked her up from the breeders and she has settled in amazingly! We didn't realise how tiny the breeders meant until we saw her, she is still the same size as she was at 9 weeks old. After a lot of discussion about health etc we decided that she was just too cute and full of personality to not take home but we know she won't ever make it to show due to her size fault. The vets have given her a full bill of health but she is very very tiny! Despite her size the "tortietude" is apparent already, nothing phases her and already she's bouncing around the living room!

    Marshall hasn't officially met her yet, he tried to run into the room last night and I picked him up so he could see her and he gave a few hisses. Now he chirps outside the door at her! I'm being very careful to spend time and focus on Marshall too so I only spent about 30 mins with Zelda and stayed the rest of the evening with Marshall so he's not put out, dave got to spend all evening and night with Zelda and we will rotate today!

    anyway on to the pics I know that's what you all want!! And if anyone has come across "tiny" Maine coons or size faults like this before any advice would be much appreciated!

    photo by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr

    Zelda is here by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr

    Zelda by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr

    keep up to date with the adventures of Marshall and Zelda at their blog! or @zeldamarshall on instagram




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