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  1. #1
    Top Cat
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Thanked 57 Times in 45 Posts

    Smile Finally.....Winston visits his new vet for the first time!

    Brought Winston to visit my local vet for the first time.
    He was given a 20 minute general check up and is in the best of health.
    He actually liked the vets and was rather curious about all the other animals.
    He met an 18 year old British Blue Shorthair and a fab and absoutely huge mastiff dog!!!

    He has been booked in to get neutered at the end of the month. We feel it's time as we have noticed that he has been more boisterous in the last week. The vet also said the time is right.
    We will get him microchipped and his nails clipped on the same day so it's going be big day for him




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