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Thread: Marshall and Zelda double trouble

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    Marshall and Zelda double trouble

    Zelda has been with us about 2 weeks now and has settled in so well, Marshall and her are a proper double act, chasing eachother and stealing each others food- which has led to slightly upset tummys :(

    i feel so very lucky to have such wonderful friendly kitties that get on so well but I guess that's the mainecoon nature! Zelda has the run of the full house now and seeing her bolt up and down the stairs is hilarious! Her back legs are now normal long mc legs but her front ones are still very short she's like a munchkin cat! Here's how our week has looked in pictures of my awesome double act!

    Little and large! They are a right double act now! #mainecoon #kitten #cat by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr

    The best thing about having two cats?!? Double kitty snuggles for bed time #mainecoon #kitten #cat #snuggle by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr

    Playing with the marshmallows tail... #mainecoon #kitten #tail by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr

    Bath time #mainecoon #kitten #cat by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr
    jckkerrison, Becky, JanieB and 4 others like this.

    keep up to date with the adventures of Marshall and Zelda at their blog! or @zeldamarshall on instagram




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