A couple of pics
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Max 1 year old
My Maine Coon Max also turned 1 year on the 24th of April and weighs 6.5 kg (14.3 lb). He is the most lovable cat I have ever experienced. He is very playful and active and runs around the garden freely.
Just love pictures 3 & 4,when I see them with their paws crossed it makes me feel all woolly inside,they just looks so relaxed & proud to be a MC.......
Does Max ever take a dip....? x
What absolutely lovely cats ! and OMG I cant believe that Sam weights that much at a year ! lol You putting miracle grow in his dinner !!! lol Rosie clearly is a girl....................stay as far away from the scales as possible !!! lol
Max is not afraid or wary of water, we also have a pond and sometimes his tail is drifting on the water while he is studying the fish. He puts his whole paw inside the pond to try to catch the fish.
He is just sooo cute! Sometimes when we keep him inside for a while, typical when its wet outside, he starts throwing his toys out of the cot (literally). We put all his toys in his scratch tower and he takes them out with his paws until there is nothing left. Then he is finished playing. I think its just to show us he is fed up because we keep him inside.
Beautiful Cats! I weigh myself first, than I hold my kitten Ginger and weigh again! easy, peasy! the hard part is the subtraction :)
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