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Thread: Preparing for new MC

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
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    Preparing for new MC

    So it's a little over a week until Chiyo gets to come home (god its flown by I'm so EXCITED) so this weekend if official "Kitten proofing weekend" so I was wondering if I could get some advise on things to look out for/ things I can do to make her comfortable and confident when she gets here and how quickly I should open up the whole house to her. I'll be doing a massive tidy up on the weekend finding a new system for the blinds cable so its tucked away, tidying up cables and checking for and small holes i may have previously missed. I'm not sure what to do about the litter box as well it was initially going to live with her in the living room until I opened up everything else but then I'm worried moving it to the bathroom would then confuse her so should I just open up the living room and bathroom straight away so that the box is always in the bathroom and is less likely to cause accidents.




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