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Thread: Zelda the teensiest maine coon

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    Zelda the teensiest maine coon

    Zelda is now 4and half months and such a character! The tortie in her def shows.. She stomps her feet if she doesn't get her way and everything is on her terms! Despite her size she is the total boss in the house and seems to be able to eat 10 times her body weight! When it comes to food she's so greedy and won't hesitate to rugby tackle Marshall out of the Way! She is also the purriest kitty ever she's so loud! She's still very tiny for her age but that doesn't stop her! Here's some recent pics of princess Zelda!

    *if you rub her belly long enough she sticks out her tongue!

    This kitty cracks me up! Belly rubs makes her stick out her tongue! #zelda #kitten #mainecoon by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr

    Sleepy zelda #mainecoon #kitten by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr

    Zelda 18 weeks ish! She's so the boss it's not even funny! #mainecoon #kitten by The Happiest Princess, on Flickr

    thanks for looking!
    christin & Zelda

    keep up to date with the adventures of Marshall and Zelda at their blog! or @zeldamarshall on instagram




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