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Thread: things they steal....

  1. #11
    Cool Cat
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Phoenix, AZ
    Thanked 21 Times in 21 Posts
    My daughter had a Siamese Himalayan mix when she still lived at home. This crazy cat had a thing for certain feminine hygiene products... the type used monthly. Samantha would open the door to our bathrooms (we had resorted to shutting her out to no avail), open the cabinet door, grab the object of her obsession (two if she could) and if we were lucky, hide them. More often then not, though, she would bring them to us. Cant tell you how many times she would show up with these things during parties or when we had guests. Poor daughters had some embarrassing moments when boyfriends were visiting. Wish we had video!
    Alekto likes this.


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