things they steal....
I don't know for you but my little Pirate, true to her nickname, likes to steal stuff. In fact, food is not interesting unless it's stolen.
Today, I forgot to close the bread basket, and there was only a CLOSED plastic box of meringues in there.
Next thing I know, my Neevie comes a-strolling, very carefully with a meringue in her mouth.... puts it down in the corridor and starts munching on it before I can stop her...
Also, she knows where I keep her food, being not very good at closing stuff, I sometimes leave the cupboard open... it's high, you know, the top kitchen cupboard, and one of the small ones, too, didn't think it could fit a Monster Pirate... turns out it can, and does.
Next thing I know, my Neevie comes a-strolling with a pouch of cat food dangling from her mouth, which she then proceeds to start trying to rip apart....
how about yours?
My little Edsel at 10 months old can carry a t-shirt, a slipper or one of Daddy's tools. He's always taking things and piling them up somewhere like making a nest. :koolkat:
Cute. Cute. Cute. Buzz and Baxter are also little thieves, preferring shiny objects. I cannot keep any jewelry unattended on my bath vanity or nightstand. We've found (after some panic) my wedding ring, earrings etc in a corner of the shower more than once. They also snatch treat packages from their kitty drawer. We open the drawer for a second and they are in and out with the prize before we know what has happened. My sister had a funny cat who stole her husbands underwear, burying it in one of her cat boxes which was located two floors downstairs from the bedroom. Passive aggressive? I don't know, but the cat trained my sisters new husband that drawers were to be shut and dirty clothes put in the hamper!
So funny! Other than attacking my Beagles and terrorize my houseplants, no stealing yet! Ginger is a whirlwind of activity. Running through the house like a Kitty stampede! She definitely keeps everyone on their toes!
Larry likes to steal the dishcloth from the kitchen counter, play with it for a bit, and leave it lying around on the floor. He also likes to take scrunched up plastic shopping bags from the kitchen drawer and toss them around the room. Now that Spring is finally here in the UK, he likes to pick up feathers in the garden and run into the house with them. That's his version of hunting and bringing me the prize. Which I do prefer to actual dead creatures, LOL!
I am loving reading about the things that your little furbies get up to !! I have not had the pleasure of an agile, intelligent MC in my house, but am preparing myself for my baby coming so all these tips about closing cupboard doors, plastic bags, jewellery, house plants etc are being well noted !! lol Well it must make life interesting for you when you cant be up to everything they do Alekto !!! lol
Oliver's favorite toys are plastic straws. Despite having a gagillion of them stashed under rugs and lying out (to the puzzlement of guests), he will always try to steal one from your glass.
Razor guards and bottle caps also go missing. For some reason, rubber bands and my hair bands end up in his food bowl. :what?:
I have been faced with the underwear scenario luckily it was clean but oh the look on the visitors faces....
Have also seen a lump of roast beef hovering in the doorway & when nothing was said it disappeared down the hall with a cat attached to it,how the heck he ever got the heavy glass dish off goodness only knows & how we never heard it I don't know but felt he deserved the next days dinner for the laugh he gave us,both of the dastardly deeds were by our two RIP's bless them......!
Toshie has a fetish for nail files.....the minute you start doing your nails, he's up on the bed, sticks his nose in, chews on the nail file while your trying to use it, then grabs it and runs off with it. I even tried giving him his own so he'd leave mine alone. He rushed off with it, stashed it, then came back and pinched mine too....
hahaha Neevie has a thing for nail files too! it's like she can smell them from afar, too! she goes and gets them from the most unlikely places (where I hid them... unsuccessfully...)
I would also LOOOOVE to see the ones running off with the underwear, that sounds so funny! I can just imagine her running off with my bra or something! :rofl:
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