He was on tonight's episode!!! About 1/2 way through the family visit the granny who has a basket of kittens!! Marshall is the kitten that is picked up by the boy and bonnie is his sister who is held by the little girl! So proud of my wee man!! Ill post some screen caps later for people who can't watch it/ missed it!
What a handsome star he is! Thank you as I am not able to get this show in the US!
OK now we're going to need some autographs... put your kitty paint software to work Christin! :rofl:
A star in the making !! Whats his next gig !! lol He is adorable and so well behaved to !
Lol thanks everyone! He is such a wee star totally lives up to his name! The bbc were so impressed with him and his sister they just took to it like naturals and the little boy wanted to keep Marshall! No up and coming gigs at the minute I know one of the other cats that the breeder has has been doing a lot of filming for something the last few weeks but they have kept it hush as to what it is!
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