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Thread: Introducing the cats

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    St Erblon, Mayenne, France
    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts

    Introducing the cats

    Hi, nice to find this forum and pleased to introduce Django and Oscar - our two Maine Coons.

    Django is a classic red tabby, very athletic in build and capable of being both feisty and affectionate. He's the boss and keeps his half brother Oscar in line in between hunting whatever doesn't move fast enough and which includes mice, shrews, rats, rabbits, birds and lizards. He was our first Maine Coon, but we soon decided to get another as we'd been told that they're better in pairs...

    So, we got Oscar. Oscar's the opposite to Django in many ways. He's extremely affectionate and sweet natured, although he's a giant at 11.5 kilos. The vets here love him and when we have to make a visit they always call people to look at the 'big English cat'. He's a silver tabby. As a hunter he's nowhere near as good as Django but he does catch the odd lizard and occasional rodent. He once tried to get a snake but we 'discouraged' him!

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	6862Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	6863




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