Please settle an argument ! lol
Ok Sarah and I have been having a difference of opinion !! Mother and daughter thing you know what it is like ! lol Sarah is of the opinion that MC's weigh in around 10 - 18 pounds (male) however, I on the other hand (having seen one at a show) disagree, the one I saw was 30 lbs if he was an ounce and filled two cat cages, he was like a lion cub with a mane !!!! lol He was stunning unfortunately it was a judges cat and when I asked who bred him she said she couldnt tell me ! Dont know why ! Dylans dad weighs in at around that weight, so is this not the norm or am I right and my beautiful daughter is halfing my maine coons weight !!! lol
Go tell me how much your MC's weigh, and I can put my lovely daughter right !!! lmao