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Thread: Please settle an argument ! lol

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  1. #1
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    Please settle an argument ! lol

    Ok Sarah and I have been having a difference of opinion !! Mother and daughter thing you know what it is like ! lol Sarah is of the opinion that MC's weigh in around 10 - 18 pounds (male) however, I on the other hand (having seen one at a show) disagree, the one I saw was 30 lbs if he was an ounce and filled two cat cages, he was like a lion cub with a mane !!!! lol He was stunning unfortunately it was a judges cat and when I asked who bred him she said she couldnt tell me ! Dont know why ! Dylans dad weighs in at around that weight, so is this not the norm or am I right and my beautiful daughter is halfing my maine coons weight !!! lol

    Go tell me how much your MC's weigh, and I can put my lovely daughter right !!! lmao
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    Chris X

    "a cats eyes are windows enabling us to see into another world"

  2. #2
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    The internet is an awesome thing!
    Maine Coon Growth And Weights - Maine Coon Fancy
    The Maine Coon cat is widely recognized as the largest breed of domestic cats. Males average 15-25 pounds while females average between 10-15 pounds, but both sexes can grow even larger. Typically a Maine Coon will stand anywhere from 10 to 16 inches tall, and average around 40 inches long from the tip of the nose to the end of the tail bone. Although some do grow taller and longer than this. Unlike regular domestic cats that reach maturity and full size by the end of their first year, Maine Coon cats are slow developers and do not achieve their full size until they are 3 to 5 years old. During kitten hood, Maine Coon's will on average, gain double the weight of domestic cats. A whopping 2 pounds per month versus the 1 pound for domestics.
    Ginger is 26 weeks and weighs 7.5 pounds
    Last edited by donnad; 12th May 2013 at 12:12 AM.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by donnad View Post
    The internet is an awesome thing!
    Maine Coon Growth And Weights - Maine Coon Fancy
    The Maine Coon cat is widely recognized as the largest breed of domestic cats. Males average 15-25 pounds while females average between 10-15 pounds, but both sexes can grow even larger. Typically a Maine Coon will stand anywhere from 10 to 16 inches tall, and average around 40 inches long from the tip of the nose to the end of the tail bone. Although some do grow taller and longer than this. Unlike regular domestic cats that reach maturity and full size by the end of their first year, Maine Coon cats are slow developers and do not achieve their full size until they are 3 to 5 years old. During kitten hood, Maine Coon's will on average, gain double the weight of domestic cats. A whopping 2 pounds per month versus the 1 pound for domestics.
    Ginger is 26 weeks and weighs 7.5 pounds
    Thanks Donna for that info, I am sure it must be a site something like that, that Sarah has been reading. I hear what they are saying for sure !.......................but !!! lol the ones I have seen (excluding dylans mum ) have been well over 25lbs !!! lol Oh come on you are supposed to be on my side !!!! lol I watched that video at the end of the link you posted, that is one long cat by the way !!! lol I know that the females are smaller or lighter than the males and to be honest I would expect that. But Donna please help me out here Sarah cant be right you dont understand !!! lol, Jack (Sarahs moggie) is 14 lbs !!! lol and not a bit of fat on him, he is so athletic, seriously.

    Thanks for posting, you now have me worried !!! lol I am thinking Dylan isnt going to be very big !! lol
    donnad likes this.
    Chris X

    "a cats eyes are windows enabling us to see into another world"

  4. #4
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    Though far from an expert I agree with Donnad. At least from what I've read. I did see an blurb on line about the largest domestic cat according to the Guinness Book Of World Records. 48 1/2" long nose to tip of tail. Forgot the weight but remembered is was signifi(cat).
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  5. #5
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    My cat Buster weighed 28 pounds , he was a great big lover boy. He passed 2 years ago and I miss him everyday! He was the cat that said mit! hahaha such and funny fellow, my catdog!

  6. #6
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    I saw a retired show cat that had won some pretty nice titles that was 27 pounds at 6 years old, and not in any way fat. Also the male that we hope will be the father of our 2 Maine Coon kittens (we've been told by the breeder he's getting anxious, so hopefully it happens soon) was 22 pounds at 9 months, not sure of his weight now at over 1 year, also no fat. Also saw some females that were 18 pounds I think, and they weren't fat either; they were huge compared to the other females I've seen.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by brims View Post
    I saw a retired show cat that had won some pretty nice titles that was 27 pounds at 6 years old, and not in any way fat. Also the male that we hope will be the father of our 2 Maine Coon kittens (we've been told by the breeder he's getting anxious, so hopefully it happens soon) was 22 pounds at 9 months, not sure of his weight now at over 1 year, also no fat. Also saw some females that were 18 pounds I think, and they weren't fat either; they were huge compared to the other females I've seen.
    brims you have cheered me up no end, my debate with Sarah is being held up with news of all these MC's over the 'average' weight!!! lol And OMG 22 lbs at 9 months that is a big cat ! I hope your impending motherhood with two MC kittens happens soon, fingers crossed for you.

    Thanks for posting brims its good to know all about those MC's out there that are thriving, fit and healthy at higher weights and look forward to seeing pictures of your babies when you get them.
    Chris X

    "a cats eyes are windows enabling us to see into another world"

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by donnad View Post
    My cat Buster weighed 28 pounds , he was a great big lover boy. He passed 2 years ago and I miss him everyday! He was the cat that said mit! hahaha such and funny fellow, my catdog!
    Ah ha ! Donna you were holding out on me !!!! lmao see 28 pounds, lovely, do you have a picture of him, pretty please ?

    I can imagine he leaves a big space in your life x
    donnad likes this.
    Chris X

    "a cats eyes are windows enabling us to see into another world"

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris View Post
    Ah ha ! Donna you were holding out on me !!!! lmao see 28 pounds, lovely, do you have a picture of him, pretty please ?

    I can imagine he leaves a big space in your life x
    Please settle an argument ! lol-buster.jpg Yes Buster's Father's name was Big Butt, we called him Buster Big Butt hahaha Loved that boy to pieces,
    He lived 18 years and was the best kitty ever!
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whyemier View Post
    Though far from an expert I agree with Donnad. At least from what I've read. I did see an blurb on line about the largest domestic cat according to the Guinness Book Of World Records. 48 1/2" long nose to tip of tail. Forgot the weight but remembered is was signifi(cat).
    . . . and that would be "Stewie" or Mymains Stewart Gilligan, a beautiful silver MC from Reno, NV! Sadly he passed from cancer in March of this year. Not certain of his weight, but it was under 30 lbs. Our own MC male Dakota, is 19 lbs. If interested, you can find more info on Stewie by googling or checking out his fb page. He was quite the ambassador for felines everywhere and will be greatly missed! A fine MC specimen if there ever was one - RIP Stewie.

    donnad likes this.


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