Nuisense Cat Gone!?
Haven't seen the Siamese 'Psycho Cat' since yesterday evening and through today. Doesn't appear to be around anymore. I suspect one of the neighbors did something. He had been terrorizing the animals in the neighborhood and eating food at everyones door.
Tore up one of the cats down the road. I think its days were numbered from that time on. Saves me having to do something one day soon I guess.
Its former owners bear some of the blame, we always get cats and dogs dropped off around here. Being in a country setting on a less traveled road opens you up to that kind of thing.
Glad but sad
tore up one of the cats!? whatever happened to that siamese for it to be so crazy? :-S
oh my God they really drop them off? I saw that on adds on tv, and I thought "nah, noone would do that to an animal... why?" why not just give them to animal rescue centers? just dropping them off is mean! poor things....
Yes, they do 'drop them off', that makes it sounds like your taking them to the bus/train station but they abandon them to their own wiles. It's no wonder the animals go feral and shun humans. In a sense, for them, it is a "dog-eat-dog" world. We've had numerous dogs and cat dropped by our property. Some we've fed and kept for awhile, others disappear without ever trying to get too close to us. It's the nature of people in general today to believe the animal will take care of itself when they find they can't. To some extent that is true but often this scenario ends with the former 'pet' being destroyed or dying somewhere on its own.
Yes, it is sad to think people can just drop animals off and think they can survive. All to often farmers get stuck with unwanted animals and have to dispose of them. I find this a sad state of affairs. I think having a pet is a commitment that should not be taken lightly.
My first reaction is poor wee thing, possibly through no fault of its own being abandoned and having to survive the only way it could makes me feel so sad, but I can totally appreciate that it was not a popular wee thing. It annoys me that people buy pets and then when they become inconvenient or haven't been trained or just old they are dumped on peoples door steps and left to fend for themselves. Why have a pet in the first place, i dont understand ! In Scotland people with racing greyhounds have a habit of 'retiring' them in ditches at the side of the road, and ofcourse the inevitable happens, they get run over most of the time, I just hate thinking about what people do to poor animals that only want loved and cuddled and fed and that give you so much love and trust in return. Perhaps the wee cat is in a better place now, it definately sounded tormented in a way x
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