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Thread: Nuisense Cat Is Back, Well Don't That Beat All!

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  1. #1
    Elite Cat
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    Nuisense Cat Is Back, Well Don't That Beat All!

    Got home from work this afternoon and there on the deck was the Siamese Nuisense/Psycho Cat. Must figure this is home now. He was just complaining to me, I thought because he was hungry since it had been a few days. Then I noticed he had an injured leg. Don't know what caused it but the wife said she was able to put some antibiotic on a bad cut he had. He favors the leg and won't walk on it. I may not like the cat but I don't like to see him in this condition.

    Now if we can just get him to the Vet without getting bitten and clawed. I think he was hol' up after he got hurt, animals will go to ground in those circumstances. After he let the wife treat him he disappeared again. Something hurt him and he's hiding from it.

    Sidewinder and Ran-Gan are not happy to see him back.
    donnad and Chris like this.

  2. #2
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    my sister's cat is... "a bit" temperemental (read hisses, claws and bites anyone trying to approach him) my sis has to use kitchen gloves to pick him up and put him in a box.
    if you have a box that opens from the top, it's probably easier, too.

    also, once you have him at the vets... may be the right time to call animal control?
    donnad likes this.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whyemier View Post
    Got home from work this afternoon and there on the deck was the Siamese Nuisense/Psycho Cat. Must figure this is home now. He was just complaining to me, I thought because he was hungry since it had been a few days. Then I noticed he had an injured leg. Don't know what caused it but the wife said she was able to put some antibiotic on a bad cut he had. He favors the leg and won't walk on it. I may not like the cat but I don't like to see him in this condition.

    Now if we can just get him to the Vet without getting bitten and clawed. I think he was hol' up after he got hurt, animals will go to ground in those circumstances. After he let the wife treat him he disappeared again. Something hurt him and he's hiding from it.

    Sidewinder and Ran-Gan are not happy to see him back.
    Poor kitty, Them siamese sure are talkers though. I had a Siamese mix his name was Samrai, and he would talk a blue streak! Your wife was very kind to help the psycho kitty. He at least know where to go for help, who know he may come around with some love and patience?
    Chris likes this.

  4. #4
    Top Cat
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    Oh you are going to hate me but PHEW ! I am with donnad on this one, he obviously trusts you some or he wouldn't have come back, I know its a big ask, especially since I am in Scotland and cant give you a hand, but could you just maybe give him a bit more time and like donnad says with a little patience (which I am sure you have) and lots of kindness and love (which I definately know you have because you are writing about him) he may come round ! Look if Kevin Costner could do it with a wolf...........enough said !!! lol
    donnad and Whyemier like this.
    Chris X

    "a cats eyes are windows enabling us to see into another world"




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