Not eating kitten food!
Hello everyone
Deedee is now 6 months and is starting to not want to eat her kitten food,
she has always tried to eat Bungo's food but eaten hers when swapped over back to her
own bowl.
like I say she will eat Bungo's food of the same brand so should we change and get different kitten food? case surely it is too early to put her on adult food,or would it be ok????
Becky x
IMHO it'll be fine kitten food is just a ploy lol
not sure, I got mine too early on big-girls' food and she got terrible runs for a while.
is it wet food or dry food that you feed her?
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I am not an expert on cat food,but I have my Ginger on a no grain food,and it does not come in a "kitten formula". I was feeding her Iams kitten chow and I asked the vet why she was not eating it. The vet said "she does not like it", made sense to me so I switched to a better food and she is eating like crazy. I feed her a can of kitten food daily along with the dry food. She did not have a gi issues when I switched foods but she was not eating the Iams anyways just the canned food. I hope this helps, I guess if they get hungry enough they will eat :)
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she has Felix kitten food and Bungo has Felix adult food,she will eat his no problem I do my best to stop her and get her to eat her own which is annoying case she just keeps going to his bowl.Case she has his food she doesn't get to the stage of she will eat when she is hungry! and he actually has no problem finishing off her food! Still not quite sure what to do,even tried feeding them in separate rooms which was more of a pain than you would think.Think I will try a different kitten food and if that doesn't work then just bite the bullet and let her have adult stuff early.
thanks x
Becky I cant offer any advise, but you have had some good advice from everyone else. Good luck anyway and let us know how you get on x
Agree fully with Elementalzala,don't worry go onto adult food just perhaps add in some extra vitamin powder/pills while Deedee is going through the big growing stages still,there are many threads on here where others have asked & I always say the same,mine have been brought up on tinned Felix & just a few good bikkies & they have been put onto that a long while before they reach the six month mark but they haven't come to any harm,it's not that many years ago that there were no kitten/puppy products on shelves so what happened them,go with Deedee on this one....xxx
Ok thanks everyone I won't worry so much x
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