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Thread: Is it just my two......

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  1. #1
    Active Cat
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    Is it just my two......

    Or are anyone else's coonies very vocal about going to/using/ after using the litter tray....? Marshall has always let me know he's going to use the tray and now Zelda squeaks and chirps when she's using it. Both come galloping afterwords to tell me they've gone! Wondering if Zelda picked it up from Marshall or if its just another one of those coonie traits!

    Also found the funniest link about our awesome Maine coon cat quirks!

    Maine Coons And Their Food/Water Bowls

    Go take a read, Marshall does like all of them!!
    Puzzles, donnad and Chris like this.

    keep up to date with the adventures of Marshall and Zelda at their blog! or @zeldamarshall on instagram

  2. #2
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    Haha yes! Miss Ginger makes so much noise when she poos, it's like she has to announce it to the entire house! Look I am pooing! but she does it in the bathroom and I am her maid, I rush in wearing my hazmat suit and clean up after she does her deed! She would not know what a dirty box looks like since I am on it as soon as she is done! I think it is funny how much noise she can make!
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  3. #3
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    oh? Neevie doesn't - she gets extremely crabby when the litter is a little bit dirty, and after doing her business it's like a weight has been lifted of her somehow, and she feels very light and full of energy, so she has to spend that energy by running around the house...
    of the listed items of behaviour, she only does 2 things
    1 - her toys somehow end up either in her food or water bowl - though she is doing this less and less
    2 - she does like a drink from the tap, and sometimes helps herself with her paw. Or her ear... though this doesn't seem to be working out quite as well...
    I would love to see her dunk her dry food into her water bowl, that must be fun!
    she used to play with her water bowl, too, but now we're serving her food and water on a breakfast tray with rather high edges so it's much less fun, the water bowl doesn't go as far, so she's given up on that too.
    she also used to love sitting in the bathroom with her male human slave - she used to run with HO inside the bathroom when he went for his morning shave, jump in the tub, and work a range of antics in there, rolling, scratching the tub, catching her tail. while trying to catch HO's attention to the fact that she was being cute - which worked a treat as you can imagine, HO would "aw!" and "coo" in a satisfactory amount.... of course the tub was supposed to be empty when she did this. One day I ran a bath, then got busy doing stuff and forgot the bath water in the tub... the next morning she did her usual run and jump and was very unpleasantly surprised to find herself immersed in very cold water - after a few high jumps to escape, ran straight out of the bathroom and never did it again - HO is still very upset with me for disturbing that routine...
    KimAZ, donnad and Chris like this.

  4. #4
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    Alekto, I had to laugh when I read about the bathtub ordeal! It had to be very funny. I had a cat her name was Kitty, not original but anyhow. She liked to sit on the edge of the tub while I bathed and one day she fell in, jumPed straight out and hardly got wet! My hubby gets up first, so he feeds Ginger her breakfast. She follows him around while he does he grooming. Needless to say,his routine takes longer now that we have a coonie!
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  5. #5
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    About a month ago I walked into the house and thought I heard water running. I followed the sound to our bathroom to find our tub being filled by two naughty boys! Not sure which cat actually turned on the bath tub faucet (I was thought it was Baxter). Happily the water was only 5-6 inches deep. Fast forward a couple of weeks later. Baxter and I were playing fetch when we heard the water running in the tub. We went to check it out just as that naughty Buzz (who was filling the tub) slipped off the tub deck into the tub. He FLEW out of the water. There was water from the bedroom to the kitchen where I finally caught up with him and wrapped him in a towel. Baxter jealously watched the loving attention Buzz received. The next day, Baxter turned on the bathroom sink faucet and put his head under the faucet drinking the water as it dripped off his head. He would look up at me with his wet head and look at me seeming to ask - where is MY towel and attention. These boys are sooooo much fun. We MISS them!!! Only five more days in China and six until we are home with our little guys. Can't wait! Hurry Saturday!!! Did I just high jack this thread as I think it was about poo notification. Sorry!
    donnad and Chris like this.

  6. #6
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    Kim, wow I would freak out! That could cost a lot of money in damages if the water kept running! I think I would keep the bathroom door closed! It is good to hear that you are having a nice trip. I bet you are anxious to get home to your babies!
    Chris likes this.




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