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Thread: Bad Attitude

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  1. #1
    Active Cat
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    Bad Attitude

    Maxwell Bellypuss with the wrong tail is 10 months now & turning into a very mischievous cat. He gets your attention & then does bad things-like hes waiting to see your reaction. Yesterday I was sat watching tv with Darcie-lu & Bailey the marmite cat curled up next to me when in marches Maxwell chatting very loudly. he jumps on the other two so they run away, youd think hed want to take their place, but nope. He stomps up to the wall unit, back end wiggling like its chewing a toffee, leaps onto the wall mounted tv & hangs there, looking back at me cackling. He then walks along the unit, sits down next to a very large lamp, looks straight at me, lifts a big floppy paw & deliberately pushes the lamp over. Hes had the curtain pole off the wall, hes constantly pinching things & running off with them(mainly sweets with shiny wrappers) .He hangs his face on the plate when im eating just to see what ive got & if its worth swiping. He gets loads of attention, probably more than the others because hes the baby. I think ive created a gorgeous fluffy monster. He definitely has cattitude.
    donnad likes this.

  2. #2
    Top Cat
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    Cute! Definitely reminds me of someone - I see exactly what you mean when you describe him pushing the lamp off... I think he must be of the Pirate family. Neevie also looks at me with her naughty face when she scratches the carpet or the sofa, I think somehow I gave her the wrong message, and it is now a game... sigh... ;-)
    Maxwell Bellypuss with the Wrong Tail... is that his full name then?
    donnad and Chris like this.

  3. #3
    Cool Cat
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    Whiskey has bad cattitude too. He wanted outside in the worst way today. Wouldn't let him out as the ground was muddy from rain the night before. To show is displeasure, he cackled at me then went on a rampage of destruction. 1st he rubbed his paws all over the flat screen TV perhaps hoping a genie would appear granting him his "outside now" wish. When that didn't work he cackled at me and pushed all my wall pictures sideways. Next was the cackle then standing on the kitchen table and using the hanging light as a punching bag. The window shades were next cackling and trying to dislodge the shades thus allowing him full window view of the outside. The last piece was my drinking glass. Didn't give the cackle, but I watched his paw go in & he took a taste of the water within, then a little nudge at the bottom of the glass sent it toppling over onto the floor. Whiskey looked at me and laid down as to say "see what you made me do".

    I can only just imagine what kind of damage Whiskey & Maxwell could do around a house. Oh and how high the cost?
    Alekto, donnad and Chris like this.

  4. #4
    Top Cat
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    That sounds like a cat with 'tude' to me ! What a character you have in your home ! lol Now admit it you would rather he be like that than just lying around wouldnt you !! lol Might cost you a few lamps though !! lol
    Alekto and donnad like this.
    Chris X

    "a cats eyes are windows enabling us to see into another world"

  5. #5
    Active Cat
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    Maxwell Bellypuss with the Wrong Tail... is that his full name then? [/QUOTE]
    We called him bellypuss when we first chose him at 6wks because he lay on his back so we could rub his belly . He still does it now if you say bellypuss to him. Hes a classic brown tabby with white, but has a silver tabby tail so we call it the wrong tail Obviously from reading posts Welly is a typical boy coonie. Darcie-lu is much better behaved. Shes a real lady(apart from rolling in dirt regularly)not a good look for a white cat
    Last edited by Felix65; 4th June 2013 at 06:18 PM.
    Alekto, donnad and Chris like this.




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