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Thread: Drop the ball, squash the ball, spank the ball

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    Drop the ball, squash the ball, spank the ball

    When Neevie plays, often she'll drop whatever she's playing with, for example a ball, then like she's being distracted and doesn't really realise what she's doing she walks over it and then lies down on it, so that it is a bit squished under her tummy. Then she looks like "oh look what happened! who put that there!? well I ain't getting up for it!" and then starts a kind of back leg kick as it tickles her tummy, like she wants to expell it from under there... and then inevitably after a while ends up rolling over on her side and spanking the living daylights out of the toy in question...

    The first few times I observed it I thought she hadn't lied down on it on purpose and that she was really distracted, and laughed because she was a wally and it was tickling her tummy.
    But now I see she's really more and more doing a play of "lalala, I'm looking at something else and being distracted looking at the wall, lalala oh I kind of feel like lying down just riiiiight.... here... HEY! what's that!" kind of thing.

    Anyway - is it just her? do yours do something similar?

    or do they have another quirk that makes you wonder what kind of wally you have in your house? ;-)
    donnad and Chris like this.




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