Think Chris should have camera on standby.....x
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Once the kitty gets settled, I am sure Teddy will learn to love him. I have two Beagles and Ginger has decided that Bentley is "her beagle", she follows him around and bats at his tail. She sneaks up on him and bites his rear end, his paws, his ears. Bentley is a good boy and runs up and down the hall with her and plays. Rex on the other hand tolerates her. hahaha one big happy family.
Donna he loves cats, Jack, Sarahs moggie rubs up and down his legs all the time and the big softie just stands there and lets him do what he wants !! lol Teddy will be fine with Frazer, but the sharing of the bed with mum might cause a few huffs and puffs at first ! lol
No one likes to share "The Mama" everyone jockeys for the best position closest to me, Ginger wins because she is the only one allowed on the furniture LOL