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Thread: Weight

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  1. #1
    Top Cat
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Bristol UK
    Thanked 109 Times in 106 Posts


    A topic that keeps appearing on the forum is weight.. I think it's become a kind of obsession with me, and I've been trying to work out why. I've come to the conclusion that because he is a MC everyone asks how old is he and how much does he weigh in the same breath. I think it was Karena that said something about her boys having an expectation of how big the cat will grow, becuase they are a large breed.

    I understand that weighing of a new born kitten to chart his/her progress is necessary but it's not something I've ever done before with kittens once they are passed a certain stage if they appear healthy. I'm interested in everyone elses take on this subject ?




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