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lol I was defo rooting for the tortie !!! lol
Wow, what is up with the black cat's tail? I thought black cats were bad luck, but for people not the cat? OMG that was funny I love to see how they posture in a fat. No fear there!
OMG my 2 foster cats do this 2 lol!! Except they go in for more of a boxing style then the rough and tumbles lol. It is so funny to watch them, they'll just be sitting watching each other then start smacking each other with their paws then rolling all over the place and then up they get and play chase round the house and it sounds like an earthquake is going off lol. And there is also the one where one of them will be lying down and the other will come along and literally sit on the others face rofl :rofl:. Apart from youtube is there any other ways to get video onto the forum as I have some good tennis video of one of my foster cats lol.