Neevie is soooooo excited this morning - running around in the house for no reason at VERY high speed, jumping from furniture to furniture like a traceur, then stopping to spank a toy, and running and jumping again, then stoping beside me with crazy eyes, back twitching and going "vrrrr?"... been at it for 1 hour now! what's going on in that head I wonder!
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The hunt is on! Ginger does this from time to time. At first I thought there was something wrong with her like she found a pill. But now I think she is just a crazy monster! Neevies is sure a stunning little girl, I love her face :)
Alekto sounds like Neevie is having a ball !! lol Hope that Frazer takes tizzies like that, I love it when they have their 'mad hour' !! lol Not so much when Teddy does it as everything goes flying !!! lol
Awww so cute :) And it's not just Maine Coons that do that, the 2 black and white cats I am fostering at the moment go absolutely mad!!! They'll start with the play fighting and then comes the chasing and madness, sounds like a herd of elephants going through the house!! They are only 1 year old though so very active and I enjoy watching them have fun together.
Buzz and Baxter do the same thing every morning. We call it the "twitchies" but I like "the mad hour"! Pretty much happens for an hour every morning after breakfast. Damage to date: 3 vases, 1 ceramic statue, 1 dining room chair and a picture frame (low hanging). Buzz is not the most coordinated and both have trouble stopping on the hard surface floors. Fun to watch but we hold our breath when these big boys get going - sounds like a herd of elephants. What a happy way to start our days!
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