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Thread: Found cat

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    Top Cat
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    Found cat

    Poppy my moggie came running in the house this morning with eyes the size of dinner plates, I knew something spooked her and looked outside. By the side of my house stood outside my kitchen door was this cat who came over to me, he was really friendly and didn't mind me touching him.

    He looked at first sight a large healthy cat, but when I touched him he was matted all down his sides and quite skinny underneath all the matted fur. He was almost shouting at me to feed him, so I did, despite being told by hubby it wasn't the right thing to do. He ate a sachet of food like he'd never eaten before so I gave him a second which he demolished in the same way. I managed to take a picture of him/her, (didn't get that close) I am sure he is a mc mix, what do you think ?

    I have since looked on the national missing pet register to see whether anyone has reported him missing, but couldn't find anything except a similar advert that didn't have a picture but the area he was missing from is about 3-4 miles away. Any suggestions would be appreciated !
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails PICT1152.jpg   PICT1149.jpg  




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