Royal Canin Offer
I don't know how many of you feed Royal Canin food, but it is buy one get one free on the Pets At Home website for 24 hours. Hopefully it will save someone some money!
Pets at Home - where pets come first
The maine coon dry food is here:
Royal Canin Adult Complete Cat Food for Maine Coon 31 4kg and 10kg (Online Only) | Pets at Home
I was looking at feeding royal canin, but no one here stocks it so now I'm looking at the purina
We had a free sample of the new Purina from their website, and our cats loved it!
Thanks for that Clare - I just ordered some - I feed a mixture of that and Applause at the moment but that offer was too good to miss!
Bummer - pity the offer doesnt extend to australia - Sarah loves it and a 2 for 1 offer would be fantastic
Bargin thanks claire :rofl: Louie is haveing a little of that already but I also feed it to our fussy pensioners it has helped realy well with their old bones :smile:
I am really glad that a couple of you have been able to benefit from the offer :)
That's great news, thanks for the info :)
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