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Thread: my strange cat

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
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    my strange cat

    please excuse any typos, I'm trying to type with Humphrey on my lap but his front legs on the desk, as he tries to lay his head on my hands, whilst I'm trying to type....

    I've posted three new pics of him in a strange sleeping position - it's like he was sat up and then decided to go to sleep but didn't bother to lie down first. I've found him liek this a few times now, and he was sound asleep as I did not wake him getting a few things from beside him.

    As I've no idea if he's really a MC or not, I was just wondering if this might be a typical sort of idiosyncracy, What do you think?

    I've still to see what he's like with water
    very happy to have Humphrey Lyttelcat in our lives



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