Re: Why do we fall for it...
Yesterday morning one of my 2yr old babies didn't look too well,breakfast ignored,didn't want to play & just layed in one of the furry beds out in the hall so put tray out for him to use if needed sorted all the others & went off to work.Brought a pro kolin home with me just in case & sure enough when I opened the door I knew it was going to be needed,good thinking ahead,starved him until bedtime but had cooked him some chicken ,sorted all the other cats,left Shimba in furry bed in hall with ameneties,tried to get him to have some chicken,no I really don't think I can,ok mum hand fed & he had a couple of small bits,mum went to bathroom to wash hands came out 10 secs later dish clean,cat still tucked up in furry bed,must have been one of them others got out mum,yeah ok,
2AM bedroom doors all being rattled in turn,thanks mum knew you would let me in to share,shift over I want that bit of bed,great,sleep,4.30AM,purr,purr wash your ears for you mum & how about re arranging your hairstyle,5.15AM looking as if I had been plugged into an electric socket peace again, 5.45AM alarm goes off ,hubby gets up,oh great we can now play fetch with the mouse,what a shame mouse goes under bed never mind dads watch will throw just as well,arrgh mum didn't expect you to get out of bed & get magic stick to find mouse under bed but great now we have three to play with.....
I am sure you all have the picture ,now off to work one very happy cat telling his mates what a great night he had & one bleary eyed mum hoping the day is going to an easy one.
Good Morning All.
Re:Why do we fall for it.
Have been keeping fingers crossed that none of the others were going to go down with tummy bug & as they are all ok {at the moment } I reckon Shimba must have eaten something out of bounds but still can't find out what. I had a lovely back garden until he arrived all the other cats have understood "no"but not him so all the flowers had to be moved & we now have slate down,the fish pond had always been uncovered & all the other cats watched but didn't touch,not him we had to rescue two,"only taking them for a tour of the garden"pond now covered all the while,when he was about six months old I had some chocolates took the ribbon off & before I could put it anywhere out of the way it was disappearing down his mouth,never had one do that before & what a panic because I was frightened it would get tangled going through his intestines,three days later a gift wrapped poo appeared,never been so glad to see one like that plus releif for the boss as he was worried he would be opening up a staff cat for an emergency op {not good for his nerves or mine}still love them all but if the others do all become poorly they can go to bed with hubby & I will vacate to the cats room,second thought perhaps not Shims will be in there !