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1st November 2013, 09:10 AM #1
Happy birthday toooooo youuuuu
It's Neevie's birthday today, she is 3 years old!
So far she's had a lot of cuddles, some new kitty kibble she likes a lot, and then she ran in the house, played hide and seak with my ankles (oh-joy) - now she's having a nap waiting for her friends Clyde-the-cat-from-outside and Trespasser-the-bunny-killer to come visit her at the door.
(Clyde is a ginger cat that's all scruffy and skinny, who seems to live rough around the house... first time I saw him I decided to leave Neevie's leftovers for him at the door and I've been doing it ever since - so Clyde comes to eat, while Neevie watches over her - Trespasser is a very fluffy large cat which I wonder if he's not a MC as well, who also seems to live rough but is much more successful as he is able to catch, kill, and eat my beloved baby bunnies.... well they're not mine but they are on my land so... anyway, Trespasser is always trespassing on Neevie's land hence the name. I suspect more often than not he also has a good part of the leftovers. I wonder if I can make some kind of a house for them for the winter... )