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Thread: marshall and zelda just being their awesome selves

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  1. #1
    Active Cat
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    marshall and zelda just being their awesome selves

    i know you all like pictures so this is what i have for you today!

    Zeldas face has really grown up the last few weeks, she sports a pretty good grumpy cat most days!

    currently they fight over who gets to sit in the cat suitcase beside me on the desk while I work... they are rubbish at sharing ( zelda wins 90% of the time)! Zelda is obsessed with playing football with the dry food and Marshall is just a big lazy boy now.. I'm a little sad that he's lost his kittenish ways but he's still a complete goofball and a complete "mummys boy"!

    marshall and zelda just being their awesome selves-1374908_10151656467295143_463699006_n.jpgmarshall and zelda just being their awesome selves-1471981_10151769854815143_24205279_n.jpg

    marshall and zelda just being their awesome selves-1234714_10151621766365143_179887569_n.jpgmarshall and zelda just being their awesome selves-1383138_10151705081235143_1359784992_n.jpgmarshall and zelda just being their awesome selves-1385756_10151728162005143_1762901661_n.jpgmarshall and zelda just being their awesome selves-1450884_10151765884045143_1847257643_n.jpgmarshall and zelda just being their awesome selves-1456676_10151745578655143_1249612463_n.jpgmarshall and zelda just being their awesome selves-1471200_10151751393390143_1333248008_n.jpg

    as always thanks for stopping by and having a peek! if you are an instagram kind of person they do have their own feed now! @zeldamarshall we sometimes even do a giveway!

    Christin xx

    keep up to date with the adventures of Marshall and Zelda at their blog! or @zeldamarshall on instagram

  2. #2
    Top Cat
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    oooooh I always love pics of Zelda and her Marshmallow ! I even go on your blog, you know, to check them out from time to time.... :-D
    Zelda is a little heartbreaker, and I'm not surprised that Marshall lets her win most of the time, he has to be a gentleman.... ;-)

  3. #3
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    haha thanks Alekto! zelda is such a gem Ive never met a cat like her shes such a character and a big tease! i need to update the blog a lot more as i would like it to be a constant thing rather than oh yeah they have a blog!

    photos from todays catnip fest!
    marshall and zelda just being their awesome selves-1460007_10151780829060143_641599460_n.jpgmarshall and zelda just being their awesome selves-1470001_10151779753750143_463003130_n.jpg
    jckkerrison likes this.

    keep up to date with the adventures of Marshall and Zelda at their blog! or @zeldamarshall on instagram

  4. #4
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    hehe - a tease? does she do that thing where she rolls on her back, seems to say "giz a cuddle, a big kiss on my tummy, go on, you never know, I might not move this time..." and then as soon as you get close she jumps on her feet in the blind of an eye and runs like the wind?
    donnad likes this.




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