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26th November 2013, 01:33 AM #1
marshall and zelda just being their awesome selves
i know you all like pictures so this is what i have for you today!
Zeldas face has really grown up the last few weeks, she sports a pretty good grumpy cat most days!
currently they fight over who gets to sit in the cat suitcase beside me on the desk while I work... they are rubbish at sharing ( zelda wins 90% of the time)! Zelda is obsessed with playing football with the dry food and Marshall is just a big lazy boy now.. I'm a little sad that he's lost his kittenish ways but he's still a complete goofball and a complete "mummys boy"!
as always thanks for stopping by and having a peek! if you are an instagram kind of person they do have their own feed now! @zeldamarshall we sometimes even do a giveway!
Christin xx
keep up to date with the adventures of Marshall and Zelda at their blog! or @zeldamarshall on instagram