Was just looking at this web site as was dreaming of another kitten but dont think we could cope with 2 :rofl: anyway found this
Maine Coon Male in Bradford, West Yorkshire ( Cats For Sale )
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Was just looking at this web site as was dreaming of another kitten but dont think we could cope with 2 :rofl: anyway found this
Maine Coon Male in Bradford, West Yorkshire ( Cats For Sale )
If he's with his new owners at 7 weeks old then I wouldn't touch him with a bargepole personally!
No its ok I was'nt going to just very anoid that this happens :grr: it dosent mention papers so guessing not a real breeder :sad1:
If their son has asthma you think they would have thought about that before they brought him - I wouldn't be surprised if they got him very cheaply and are now trying to sell him for a profit.
Don't you feel sorry for the poor kitten whatever the breed wether pedigree or moggy it still should not have been away from its mum & siblings.It also seems as if there are a lot of people out there passing off kittens as MC's. A friend of mine got had a few months ago,thought she would have known better,always loved coming to see my cats but said she couldn't afford to buy one so I had suggested perhaps rehoming an older one but she phoned up work to book in a MC kitten she had got for £200 for its 1st vacc.saying it was eight weeks old,when I told her that good breeders didn't let their babies go until they were 13wks old plus vaccs.done she went quiet & I found out there were no papers{what a surprise}she had paid cash,the people had taken kitten to her & hadn't given her a receipt for the money & she had nothing in writing to say it was a maine coon so no comeback.When I first saw it giving it the benefit of doubt I politely said it could have a bit of MC in it,she was convinced it was one because it was fluffy....! the vet took one look & said nothing but a moggy & when it came to be castrated the proof was there to be seen ,a very expensive con.
The worrying thing was though that this "lady" & her son had several MC kits for sale as my friend had the choice of six to pick from emails photos that were sent to her so how many other people were stupid enough to fall for it.Interestingly both email adress & phone no are now unavailable.
It is frustrating because there really are a lot of good and ethical breeders out there but there are also a lot of backyard breeders that pass their kittens on without any care for their welfare at all :pissed:
That makes me sad too... some people are just after a quick profit unfortunately.
Sady yes, & from what I can remember form our old MC breeder who dosent anymore because there were so many aledged breeders suddenly in her area. When done properly there isnt that much money, if any, to be made she did it for the love of the breed. So kittens kicked out at 6 weeks old, assuming this kitten has only been with these people for a week, are a quick profit & nothing else :sad1:
I found an add in pets4homes that showed a pic of the most beautiful kitten ever for sale for £200 in Kent. I sent questions like how long have you been breading, do you have mum and dad, how old, male or female. The usual things, anyway, the first email I received in reply asked questions about my circumstances which I happily answered then I again asked my questions. The reply I then got said OK you can have one, I'll ship it to you as they are in the Orkneys, just send the money. Attached to the reply was a pic of 2 persian kittens! Some people would fall in love with the pic and send the money and get nothing in return. What do these people think they are doing?
When you see or experience adverts like that usually on the site they are advertised on there is a report button & the sites do take these scams seriously which helps a little :satisfied:
Its always going to happen unless laws are changed & enforced but dont know how on earth they would do it, the amount of Dalmatians puppys that have hearing problems plus other health issues is terrible its always puppy farms or byb :sad2: