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Thread: Things I've noticed about my MC kitten...

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Things I've noticed about my MC kitten...

    Hi All,
    Well, I've had Sully for two weeks now and he's really come into his own and is a wonderful happy kitten. He plays with Abby brilliantly, not minding being batted at and she doesn't mind being chased all over the house. The thunder of paws is a frequent sound and then their batteries run out and they flop asleep close together. I'm so amazed at Abs, because she has been a bit of a bully in the past and Sully is not a willing victim so she's getting on with the playing.
    Things I've noticed about my little MC boy:
    He loves his food. And he loves Abby's food. If she asks for food and is hanging around in the kitchen, as soon as it's put down, the little food hoover appears, knocks her out of the way and tucks in. I then have to put another dish down for Abs and they munch away happily together.
    He's very good at using the litter tray, but really hunkers down and tries to submerge his back end in the litter. Then he covers it all up very nicely and bounces out to start playing. His fluffy little butt then leaves wee or poo prints for a couple of minutes until he goes in for clean-up. I've learned not to pick him up for a cuddle within 5 to 10 minutes of him having a wee or poo. With any luck, as his little legs get longer, he'll be able to get more distance between the litter and his butt.
    He's a chewer. Computer mice, paper, boxes, their new cat tree, and unfortunately my fingers and toes.
    He's growing like a weed. He's lost that "light as a feather" kitten mass and now feels like a solid little lump. At 17 weeks he's as big as a five year old Burmese. Check out the couch photo.
    He's GORGEOUS. I took him in for micro-chipping as he's starting to show interest in the garden and hovers at the door when Abby is let in or out. Just in case he escapes, I had him chipped. Everyone at the vets just cooed over him and I think I converted one patients Mum into a future Maine Coon concierge.

    So. I'm delighted in my choice of MC for the new kitten and I'm really glad that he got to meet Bob, the old boy. Unfortunately, Bob took a turn for the worse on Dec 23 and 24th and I had to take him in to be put to sleep. I had that perfect lad for 18.5 years and he was my special little guy. I hope that Sully gets as long and happy a life as Bob had, he will be just as loved and appreciated as Bob was.

    Mark.Things I've noticed about my MC kitten...-img_0802.jpgThings I've noticed about my MC kitten...-img_0811.jpgThings I've noticed about my MC kitten...-img_0803.jpgThings I've noticed about my MC kitten...-img_0809.jpg

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to Englishman For This Useful Post:

    daughter9moons (2nd January 2014)

  3. #2
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    So so sorry about dear Bob but how wonderful to have had him in your life so long...... Sully sure is a handsome boy he has changed a lot already,good idea having him microchipped,it is soon going to be law that dogs have to be done & I personally think the same should go for cats too ,working at a vets I know a lot of times ID chips could have reunited pets & owners a lot
    donnad likes this.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to jckkerrison For This Useful Post:

    Englishman (31st December 2013)

  5. #3
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Im sorry to hear of your loss 18.5 years is a good age and a credit to the care you gave him. Your new kitty will surely keep you busy and give you lots of fun.
    donnad likes this.

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Nurselin For This Useful Post:

    Englishman (30th December 2013)

  7. #4
    Happy Kitten
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman View Post
    Hi All,
    Things I've noticed about my little MC boy:
    He loves his food.
    He's very good at using the litter tray, but really hunkers down and tries to submerge his back end in the litter. Then he covers it all up very nicely and bounces out to start playing. His fluffy little butt then leaves wee or poo prints for a couple of minutes until he goes in for clean-up. I've learned not to pick him up for a cuddle within 5 to 10 minutes of him having a wee or poo. With any luck, as his little legs get longer, he'll be able to get more distance between the litter and his butt.
    He's a chewer. Computer mice, paper, boxes, their new cat tree, and unfortunately my fingers and toes.
    He's growing like a weed. He's lost that "light as a feather" kitten mass and now feels like a solid little lump.
    He's GORGEOUS.

    Blimey, we've had our kitten Neo for two weeks - he's 8 weeks old now - and I could have written all the above myself!

    Sorry to hear about Bob, that's a fantastic age, I bet he's left a massive hole in your heart.
    donnad likes this.

  8. #5
    Top Cat
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    Englishman, Welcome to MCF! Sully sounds like a spunky MC boy! I am glad to hear he is getting along so well with Abby. I have a only MC and two beagles. I also have Ginger microchiped, I do not know how common it is in the US but I hope if she ever gets loose, they check fro it. Now when I let the Beagles out she hops in line and tries to run out the door with them, she thinks she is a dog! Litter box hygiene does get better with time, Ginger got a lot more baths when she was a tiny kitten, not so many now. She does a good job of keeping her bottom cleaned. I am sorry to hear about Bob, it sounds like the good ol boy had a nice long life! Love the pictures, Sully is a beautiful kitten!

  9. #6
    The Quiet Kitten
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    A quick Sully update. He's growing every day and getting more and more adventurous and playful. I'm gradually getting him to stop chewing on hands and fingers, but apparently my toes under the duvet proved irresistible the other night and I woke up with a start has he tried to bite them off. He likes to sleep on the bed, and will bring a toy with him which he later plays with in the middle of the night when he wakes up bored. He's the same size as Abigail pretty much, and she's chasing him around with a slightly closed left eye - I think she got a little bit kitty-punched. They are getting on great - chasing and wrestling. She has had the odd little serious nip at him, but she's not getting through his thick fluff to cause any damage.
    Now for the latest pictures.

    Things I've noticed about my MC kitten...-img_0831.jpgThings I've noticed about my MC kitten...-img_0822.jpgThings I've noticed about my MC kitten...-img_0824.jpgThings I've noticed about my MC kitten...-img_0826.jpg

  10. #7
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    Just love that second photo,all sweet
    donnad likes this.

  11. #8
    Cool Cat
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    Sully is adorable. Don't you just love waking up to toys in the bed??? Baxter brings the toys, Buzz attacks our feet. Crazy, but I keep thinking about a third. MCs are definitely addictive!!!
    donnad likes this.




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