Habits and how to break them!
Hi all, my MC kitten, Neo, is only 8 weeks old and we had him at 6 weeks old (which I personally thought was a bit young...........but breeder knows best!). He came to us pretty much litter trained, which we were very chuffed about.
As we have three other cats, we locked him in our living room for his first night, and then, the next morning, we brought him up to bed with us for a cuddle. In hindsight, this was a bad move, as the first thing he did was pee on the duvet :sad1:.......I've read all of the potential reasons for this....anxiety, scent marking, etc.....but I'm pretty sure that he just needed to pee and I put him on the bed before letting him use his litter tray!
Anyway, he's started doing this regularly, but only when we're in bed, which is really frustrating. He sleeps on the bed with our other cats during the daytime, but he never pees on it then, only ever when we're in bed.
The bedding has been washed more times than I care to think, and I've also machine-washed and dried the duvet thoroughly twice now - not easy when it's a ridiculously large and heavy duck-down duvet - but Neo just keeps climbing on and peeing again.
What to do now? He's so good overnight, he sleeps with the other cats and doesn't get into any mischief at all......apart from the 'peeing-hour', which tends to be about 4am. He has a (clean) litter tray both upstairs and downstairs. I suspect this this is just a habit we formed that first morning, which we/he now can't break.
I've read lots of tips and advice on the internet, and it seems that my best options would be to lock Neo in a room with a cosy bed, his toys, his food/drink and his litter tray at night and basically wait until he grows out of the habit.
Can anyone else suggest anything?
Many thanks in advance