Itchy, stinky ears?
Merlin has been rubbing and digging his left ear so much he's wearing off the fur! He was just at the vet a few weeks ago and the vet said his ears looked good, and I looked today and I didn't see dirt or other evidence of ear mites. But he is terribly itchy and his ear really stinks! Should I give him ear mite meds or is this something else??
If his ear is smelling it is pointing more towards an infection bless him,if it is inner ear you wouldn't be so likely to see anything,think if he was mine I would be off to the vets again as he shouldn't be scratching at his ear like that either....x
Iagree withjckkerrison if its smelly it sounds like a fungal infection that is very itchy. Another trip to your vet .
Sounds like yeast, my Beagle Rex gets them all the time. I have a rx in hand for him. I can always tell because when he bays, he shakes his head and rubs his ears. The vet can give you something for it.
Thanks so much everyone! Hoping to get to the vet by the end of the week!
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