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Thread: More issues with Merlin: Separation anxiety

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    Elite Cat
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    More issues with Merlin: Separation anxiety

    I had a chiro appt and physical therapy and needed to rest yesterday. I closed the bedroom door because I didn't want to be pestered. Merlin proceeded to claw violently at the door and howl at the top of his lungs. He wakes us at night, and he rubbed his nose in my eye which promptly became red and swollen after. I don't know how to help him overcome his fears and I am getting stressed by his constant need for attention. He will sit on my lap forever if I let him, when he sleeps with us he's under the covers between us or on my pillow, and then he wakes up because he wants me to pet him and talk to him. If we refuse or boot him off he cries and howls. He's such a sweet and loving cat but its almost obsessive. He has mommy and daddy, three kids and three other cats to play with, but it's never enough and he can't stand to be away from me. I'm going nuts help!!!!!!




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