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Thread: Baxter's chair remodel

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  1. #1
    Cool Cat
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    Baxter's chair remodel

    ("10th July 2013, 09:33 PM #5 KimAZ

    We not only had the lovely cardboard barriers throughout the house but also foil covering the top of the backs and seats of the dining room chairs. They liked to climb them. I knew I should have covered them but I didn't do it until after a chair went over during a rowdy game of chase. I don't know how two 15 week old kittens managed enough speed to tip the chair over - they are quite heavy. The back of the very expensive and out of production chair snapped leaving seating for 7!!! Thankfully Buzz and Baxter were OK! They actually seemed pleased with themselves. Happily, a furniture repair man was able to put the chair back together.")

    Well I'm bringing back this old post. The boys are 1-1/2 years old now and close to 20 lbs. The foil and cardboard barriers noted above have been down for over well over a year. Time flies! They are rough and tumble boys but have gained some control when they chase each other and wrestle. Yesterday, however, dining chair #2 went over..... 6 more to go. Ugggg! I will be calling the furniture repair man tomorrow. At least he's experienced.

    Baxter's chair remodel-image.jpgBaxter's chair remodel-image.jpg
    Baxter brought the chair down. The crash didn't phase him in the slightest. Here is Buzz enjoying the "remodel". The bottom line is that we adore them and they add so much to our daily lives we wouldn't trade them for a perfectly ordered house - EVER! I do wonder if they need a sister to boss them around but maybe she would just join the fun and we'd have triple trouble around here!

    Baxter's chair remodel-image.jpg
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  2. #2
    Top Cat
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    hahaha - Baxter is looking quite pleased with his handy (pawdy?) work....
    LOOOOOOOVE the cat tree Kim! fabulous idea!
    KimAZ and donnad like this.

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    KimAZ (20th January 2014)




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