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Thread: How much food to buy for kitten?

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
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    How much food to buy for kitten?

    Hello everyone!

    I met my new kitten yesterday and I am utterly utterly in love! How can I possibly wait? Shopping and preparing is my therapy . . . So here are a couple of questions:

    I am going to order some royal canin kitten food and I'm wondering what size bag to get. She will be 3 months old and I will be swapping her to the maine coon kitten variety at six months. Any thoughts?

    Also I've ordered a ridiculously expensive litter tray from modkat. It's a top entry one. Do you think a 3 month old kitten will be able to manage it or should I get a simple tray to start off with?

    Thank you!
    donnad and Dizdesigns like this.

  2. #2
    Top Cat
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    oh ... you're feeding her dry food? have a look at other posts on the subject, there are a LOT - opinions are divided - however for me what makes the most sense is to feed only wet food at first - and dry food only if your kitty has no trouble with drinking water.
    the reason for that is that cats don't naturally feel thirst, so they don't drink when they need to - even though you'll probably find yours loves to play with water ;-P
    In wet food, there is a lot of moisture, that can compensate for the lack of fluid intake and that's gentler on the kidneys.
    In dry food of course, there is no water - so if the cat isn't a drinker it may lead to kidney problems...

    Mine didn't drink much at first - and I only gave her wet food - and then she discovered THE KITCHEN TAP - now she drinks for the fun of it, that water is bloody interesting. So now, when I see she's had water in the morning (which I would know because she asks me to turn on the tap) I allow her some dry food (Royal Canin)

    HOWEVER - as I said opinions seem divided - have a look at the threads - some people even prefer to feed theirs with raw meat, which I'm to messy to do... my poor kitty would end up being the first cat with food poisoning....
    If you're going to feed her dry, well it's the easiest thing, in my opinion: just leave rather too much food in the bowl every day - it doesn't matter, cats won't over-feed, apparently... so she'll just manage her own food intake...
    donnad, Nurselin and Castlecat like this.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to Alekto For This Useful Post:

    Castlecat (21st January 2014)

  4. #3
    Top Cat
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    oh and also - how much to BUY: well I would say get a rather large pouch the first time round - I was so surprised: when my previous cats only ate maximum one pouch of wet food a day, this one when she was a baby ate 6 or 7!!! per day!!! they seem to need that as they have a lot of growing to do and the big burst happens in the first 6 months or so...
    donnad likes this.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to Alekto For This Useful Post:

    Castlecat (21st January 2014)

  6. #4
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Lots to think about. I thought I'd start off doing exactly as the breeder says - then I can always change things. Thank you very much! Scary about how much they eat!!! Maybe I will just have one after all!

  7. #5
    Elite Cat
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    Hi there Castlecat,

    It will be interesting to see how you get along as I am actually going to be going the raw food direction as when fostering all the cats, I tried it and they loved it. I was going to keep to the diet that Majesticoon use at first and then as soon as possible switch them over, I'm hoping to switch after 3-4 days hopefully. I will also be putting down some grain free biscuits for them to munch on through the day. Good luck with everything, oh and if ur using the diet that Majesticoon uses that's not an all dry diet as there are wet food pouches used if you have the same diet sheet I do.
    Last edited by AFK_Matrix; 21st January 2014 at 02:13 PM.

  8. #6
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Yes . . . I think its a pouch at lunch time. When do you get your boys?




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